National Geographic

How exciting, National Geographic have featured my work with musician Terje Isungset in a story called Playing it cool.

Opening with my photograph of Terje recording music with his ice instruments in a chilly -42ºF on Baffin Island, Nunavut Canada. The story offers an overview of the ‘ice music’ scene with Terje leading as the founder & pioneer of the growing musical genre, and includes more of my imagery.

I would like the opportunity to extend my warmest thank you to National Geographic Maya Valentine for her sensitivity and professionalism. 

Travelling to Baffin Island during a particularly cold winter was a rather special and unforgettable experience. During my time in the deep freeze, I made a photo story about the community who assisted Terje achieve his goal of recording a very unique solo ice music performance.

That story is called Qallunaaq of Iqaluit where you’ll find incredible characters like Polarman and William, a fish seller and North Pole expedition manager.

At the end of that recording session, whilst the temperature continued to drop (past -42ºF), Terje walked out on the sea ice to view the sun drop below the horizon. Instinctively, it felt right not to follow him but to stay on the shoreline and obverse his stillness. Click, one frame.

That frame ending up being the front cover to the album Meditations, which features parts of the frozen recording.

If you would like to learn more about my work with Terje and my 12 year long involvement with Ice Music, please check out a previous Journal post called Icy Sonic Wonder. Enjoy.

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